Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A trip to Central America for what?

Once again, city leaders are heading out on a business-related trip ... this time they are going to Central America.
Ahh, nothing like Costa Rica in the winter, eh?
I am quite interested to see how this trip will affect overall business in the Greater Laredo area. From what I understand, there will be some city leaders, led by our esteemed Mayor Raul Salinas, headed down to meet colleagues, develop relationships and shake a lot of hands.
Didn't a group head down to the Port of Lazaro Cardenas for a similar reason? You know, meet colleagues, develop relationships and shake a lot of hands?
In the immortal words of former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, "You betcha."
I also understand there will be some educators along for the, ahem, ride from Texas A&M International University.
Why? What do they know about international trade?
Isn't this a business trip?
Look, taxpayer money is being spent on a "fishing expedition" which everyone has seen over and over again.
Tell me who will benefit from this trip.
Roll off the names of those who are going and, well, I just wonder if the entire Greater Laredo business community is involved in this effort.
Are the "good buddies" of these people going down to Central America going to get first crack at the business? Just asking here.
I have yet to see one solid, concrete business project announced from Salinas' office or through the Laredo City Council from their Lazaro Cardenas trip. Yeah, yeah, I know ... economic downturn, tough times, peso troubled, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Mind you, I am truly all for building up communities and bringing in new business to the Laredo and Nuevo Laredo region. It would be nice, though, to have a plan.
Is there a plan? Can someone please show me a plan? Show me a plan where it is simply laid out, in black and white and plain English and Spanish, on what are the key expectations city leaders will be asking for from these meetings.
You know, my sense is there is no plan. Oh there's a plan all right ... a plan to keep the wool over our eyes (that means taxpayers like you and me) and entrust our elected leaders to do the bidding.
Here's another thing about this working vacation.
Where are the key business leaders involved in this trip? Are Kansas City Southern Railroad and Union Pacific representatives part of this party? Show me.
What about customs brokers here in Laredo? They actually DO business involving international trade. Are they going on this trip?
How about commercial and residential real estate representatives? They could present concrete ideas on what is available to these Central American representatives which city leaders will speak with on this excursion.
Frankly, I'd like to see people like Les Norton, Gary Jacobs, David Killam and others as part of this trip. Heck, they KNOW about business in Laredo and have family roots that go far, far back. Farther than mine personally, that's for sure.
OK, OK ... call me crazy, call me nuts for simply putting this out there.
I really hope and pray this trip is worth it.
After all, it's all about business.

-- Joe Rutland

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